Alex Patterson
Angular Material
This is a collection of lessons that I created for difficult areas of Angular and Angular Material. These examples may be growing outdated as we will create a full Angular course at some point.
If you know of anyone who would like to write a course please contact @codercatdev or @BrittneyPostma on Twitter.
Firebase Project Hosting
How to deploy your website to firebase hosting.
Angular Material Router outlet
More info in course.
Firebase Authentication and Authorization
More info in course.
Angular Material Theming
More info in course.
Angular Material Dynamic Navigation using Firestore
More info in course.
Angular Material Forms from Firestore
Angular Material Forms showing how to highlight erros on forms
Angular Material Reactive Forms Update Firestore
Reactive Forms Showing how to update the form based on updates to data.
Angular Material Router Awareness
This is about the Angular Router and how to use it with Angular Material
Firebase 101
Firebase 101, quick explanation of what we will use in this course.