Empower your entire team to visually create and optimize high-speed experiences on your sites and apps. Provide whole-team autonomy with a platform that is developer approved.
Building Design Systems with Backlight.dev
- Can you explain what divRiots is and what you work on?
- What is Backlight.dev?
- What are some of the struggles for starting a design system that Backlight is addressing?
- Demo backlight.dev
- What frameworks can be used with backlight?
- How does backlight give you the code once you are done customizing it?
- Where does the design piece of the design system come in?
- Is code driven development the future of building design systems?
- Who is Backlight’s target audience, marketers or developers?
- Do you know about complexity cliffs and what are your thoughts on single components for every use case?
Additional Links
- Storybookjs - https://storybook.js.org/
- Monaco - https://microsoft.github.io/monaco-editor/
- Vite - https://vitejs.dev/